Book Review
‘Termite Fry’ confronts the reality of Adivasi life and the ongoing struggles of the community
Veeksha Vagmita
‘Yellowface’ is an angry rant about the publishing business. But what exactly is it so mad about?
Sayari Debnath
‘The Light at the End of the World’: An overcrowded novel that floods the reader’s senses
Shree Thaarshini Sriraman
‘When the Wind God Fell Sick’: Fairy tales about nature make for an imaginative, nostalgic read
AJ Thomas
‘Marquez, EMS, Gulam and Others’: Benyamin’s short stories breathe new life into the medium
Isa Ayidh
‘Sawaneh-i Dehli’: An important book that shows the hold of colonialism on the minds of its subjects
Mohammad Asim Siddiqui
‘Icelight’: The future is hauntingly, haltingly present in Ranjit Hoskote’s new book of poetry
Manash Firaq Bhattacharjee
‘Filmi Stories’: Kunal Basu’s thrilling and dramatic short stories unfold like scenes from movies
Debotri Ghosh
‘Quarterlife’: An ambitious and elegant debut that takes on the Indian political landscape head-on
Shubhangi Tiwari
Krishnagopal Mallick’s queer fiction in Bengali matter-of-factly topples the heteronormative order
Rajat Chaudhuri
‘Soft Animal’: A rare novel about womanhood and the unmaking of a marriage during the lockdown
Sayari Debnath
‘A Boundless Fear Gripped Me’ brings painful accounts of the marginalised from the Covid-19 lockdown
Anjali Chauhan
Nilim Kumar’s poetry collection ‘I’m Your Poet’ strains beyond normative habits of the mind
Kamalakar Bhat
‘The Story of India’s Cheetahs’: How the cheetah went from being hunter to hunted
Yashaswini Chandra
‘I’m a Fan’: Novel about modern dating and online influencer culture is an uncomfortable, heady read
Sayari Debnath
‘The Woman who Climbed Trees’ deftly carves out space for women’s emotional and physical subversions
Saloni Sharma
‘Zen’: A memorable teenage love story set during two crucial political movements in Indian history
Bijal Vachharajani
‘What Will People Say?’ takes a compelling look at the clash between tradition and forces of change
Veeksha Vagmita
‘The American Boyfriend’: This mystery about mistaken identities makes for a leisurely vacation read
Sayari Debnath
‘The Bandit Queens’: This joyous story of women fighting back brings happy endings to its characters
Shubhangi Tiwari